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“Unlocking the Mysteries of Our Universe: Insights Revealed by a Simple Cup of Water”

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have made a groundbreaking discovery that has the potential to reshape our comprehension of the universe. In their recently published study in Science Advances, they unveil a previously unknown range in which fundamental constants can vary. This variation allows for the requisite viscosity essential for life processes to take place within and between living cells.

This revelation is a crucial puzzle piece in unraveling the origins of these constants and understanding their impact on life as we currently understand it. In 2020, the same research team established that the viscosity of liquids is determined by fundamental physical constants, imposing a limit on the fluidity of a liquid. Now, this outcome is extended into the realm of life sciences. Fundamental physical constants play a pivotal role in shaping the fabric of our universe.

These constants, possessing values deemed universal and unchanging over time (such as the mass of the electron), govern nuclear reactions and contribute to the formation of molecular structures crucial to life. However, their origins remain enigmatic. The current research represents a significant stride towards unraveling the mystery of the origin of these constants. “

Understanding the flow of water in a cup is intricately linked to the formidable challenge of deciphering fundamental constants. Life processes within and between living cells necessitate motion, and viscosity dictates the properties of this motion. Any alteration in fundamental constants would consequently impact viscosity, thereby influencing life as we recognize it. For instance, if water exhibited the viscosity of tar, life would either not exist in its current form or cease to exist altogether. This principle extends beyond water, affecting all life forms reliant on the liquid state for functioning.”

The image shows how fundamental constants of nature set the fundamental lower limit for liquid viscosity. Credit: thehackneycollective.com

“Any alteration in fundamental constants, whether an increase or decrease, would have detrimental implications for fluid flow and liquid-based life. We anticipate the acceptable range to be relatively narrow; for instance, a mere few percent change in certain fundamental constants like the Planck constant or electron charge could render the viscosity of our blood either excessively thick or excessively thin, impairing the proper functioning of the body,” stated Professor of Physics Kostya Trachenko. Remarkably, it was conventionally believed that fundamental constants were fine-tuned billions of years ago to generate heavy nuclei in stars, a time when life in its current form did not exist.

There was no imperative for these constants to be precisely adjusted during that era to facilitate cellular life billions of years later. Nevertheless, it is now evident that these constants are remarkably conducive to the flow within and between living cells. An associated speculation posits that multiple tunings might have occurred, implying a resemblance to biological evolution where traits were independently acquired. Through evolutionary mechanisms, fundamental constants may have emerged as a consequence of nature arriving at sustainable physical structures. The extent to which the principles of evolution can elucidate the origin of fundamental constants remains an intriguing avenue for exploration.

This article is republished from PhysORG under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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