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Why 700 Stars Have Mysteriously Disappeared?

From what is apparently happening out in space, to what we’re doing to try and figure everything out, and more! Join us as we reveal to you why 700 stars have mysteriously vanished! There are few things in this world that are meant to be constant or fully “knowable”

One of these principal beliefs is that of the states of matter. If you don’t know, it’s the understanding that matter can’t just be destroyed. Something has to happen to it for it to “go away”. For example. If you were to take a dip into lava, your body would vanish…but only because the state of its matter has been shifted. It’s not gone, it’s just in an entirely different state. Or like how a planet explodes and it’s “gone”, but its matter is still out there, it’s just scattered across the stars.
The reason we bring this up is that there’s a bit of a mystery going on in the depths of outer space that honestly doesn’t have a clear answer as of yet. What is that mystery? Stars…are disappearing from the sky.
At first, this might not seem like a big deal, mainly because in the grand scope of the universe the idea of a star going away suddenly is possible given certain factors. Such as how it’s reached the end of its life, or it’s been absorbed by a black hole or something equally grand.
The problem here is that the stars in question aren’t singular, they’re numerous. Just in recent measurements, there appears to be over 700 stars missing and there’s no clue as to how they suddenly blinked out of existence. A handful of stars vanishing can be explained across a large universe, but hundreds in a short period of time? Ones that WEREN’T near their ending life points or had objects that were trying to destroy the stars? Yeah, that’s a different thing entirely.
Thankfully, there are some people who are trying to figure this out:
“VASCO is the Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations project.

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