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NASA has given the green light for the Dragonfly mission to proceed with full-scale development, a major advancement in the exploration of Saturn’s largest moon with the use of a quadcopter drone.

The agency’s representatives announced the results of the confirmation review for Dragonfly just last week. This review is a key milestone for NASA missions, indicating the agency’s official dedication to completing the design, construction, and launch stages of a space mission. The completion of a confirmation review usually solidifies budget and schedule commitments for the mission.

Artist’s illustration of Dragonfly soaring over the dunes of Titan

Nicky Fox, NASA’s science mission directorate associate administrator, expressed excitement for the Dragonfly mission, describing it as a remarkable scientific endeavor that has captured the interest of many. The agency is looking forward to advancing this mission and exploring Titan’s terrain to push the boundaries of rotorcraft exploration beyond our planet.

NASA has officially approved the Dragonfly mission with a total cost of $3.35 billion and scheduled a launch for July 2028. This cost is nearly double the initial estimate and the mission has been delayed by more than two years since its selection in 2019.

It is common for costs to increase in ambitious missions like Dragonfly. Once on Titan, the eight-bladed rotorcraft lander will travel across the moon’s surface, studying environments rich in organic molecules, the essential components of life.

Dragonfly will be the first robotic explorer to land on a celestial body other than the Moon and Mars, and only the second flying drone to explore another planet after NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter on Mars. Dragonfly will outweigh Ingenuity by more than 200 times and will operate six times farther from Earth.

Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, is a fascinating celestial body despite its remote location in the frigid outer reaches of the Solar System. Similar to ancient Earth, Titan is shrouded in an orange haze and showcases remarkable features such as sand dunes and methane lakes.

The extreme cold on Titan, with temperatures dropping to around minus 290° Fahrenheit (minus 179° Celsius), transforms water ice into a bedrock-like substance. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft has made significant discoveries about the moon’s dynamic weather systems, including the presence of hydrocarbon precipitation and winds that create ripples on Titan’s methane lakes.

Undeniably, Titan remains a mysterious world that continues to captivate scientists. Our knowledge of this enigmatic moon largely stems from the invaluable data collected by the Cassini spacecraft and the European Space Agency’s Huygens probe. Despite transmitting data for only 72 minutes, the Huygens probe provided humanity with the first-ever images from the surface of Titan.

Dragonfly is set to embark on a three-year exploration of Titan, covering tens of kilometers approximately once a month to study the prebiotic chemistry of Titan’s surface, analyze its dense atmosphere, and search for potential biosignatures indicating the presence of life. The mission aims to investigate more than 30 locations in Titan’s equatorial region, as detailed by Elizabeth Turtle, the principal investigator of Dragonfly at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.

Elizabeth Turtle highlighted the importance of the Dragonfly mission, stating, “The Dragonfly mission offers a unique opportunity to explore an oceanic world in a way that has never been done before. Our team is committed and excited to carry out this unprecedented study of the complex carbon chemistry found on Titan’s surface, made possible by cutting-edge technological advancements.”

Nevertheless, such ambitious missions come with significant costs. NASA approved the development of Dragonfly in 2019, following a proposal by Turtle’s science team under NASA’s New Frontiers program, known for leading medium-class Solar System exploration missions. The New Frontiers program has a notable history, including the New Horizons mission to Pluto in 2015, the Juno mission to Jupiter, and the OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample return mission.

Dragonfly’s lifecycle cost of $3.35 billion exceeds the budget of all previous New Frontiers missions. In 2019, NASA set a cost cap of $850 million (equivalent to $1 billion adjusted for inflation) for Dragonfly, covering expenses until launch but excluding launch costs and post-launch spacecraft operations. However, NASA estimates indicate that the costs initially within the budget cap escalated to $2.1 billion after inflation.

Since 2019, NASA has faced numerous challenges that have led to multiple revisions of the Dragonfly mission plan. These revisions were necessary due to funding constraints, which were further exacerbated by the impacts of the pandemic and disruptions in the supply chain. The agency has stated that these challenges prompted an extensive redesign phase.

As a result of these revisions, NASA directed Dragonfly managers to postpone the launch from 2026 to 2027. This delay also required a transition from a medium-lift to a heavy-lift launcher. Consequently, NASA increased the funding for Dragonfly to accommodate the larger rocket. The updated launch window in July 2028 will require a high-energy launch, which is likely to be facilitated by either a SpaceX Falcon Heavy or a United Launch Alliance Vulcan rocket. The selection of a launch provider is expected to be announced later this year.

Collectively, these factors contributed to the increase in Dragonfly’s overall cost to $3.35 billion, aligning it more closely with interplanetary missions of flagship-class rather than projects with capped costs. Previous New Frontiers missions have incurred expenses ranging from $1 billion to $1.5 billion, while NASA’s upcoming flagship planetary science probe, Europa Clipper, is projected to cost approximately $5 billion.

NASA’s endorsement of Dragonfly comes at a time when the agency is facing financial constraints, particularly within its planetary science division. The agency is reevaluating its plans for the ambitious Mars Sample Return mission in order to address the growing costs. Additionally, NASA has postponed the solicitation of proposals for the next New Frontiers mission following Dragonfly.

Despite the increased expenses, Dragonfly managed to avoid cancellation, primarily due to budgetary limitations within NASA rather than any mismanagement within the Dragonfly project itself.

Assuming a launch in July 2028, Dragonfly is scheduled to arrive at Titan by December 2034. Enclosed within a heat shield and aeroshell, Dragonfly will enter Titan’s atmosphere and deploy a parachute for a gradual descent that will take nearly two hours. Subsequently, the quadcopter will land on the surface using its fixed landing skids.

Titan’s atmosphere, which is four times denser than Earth’s, prolongs the descent process compared to landers entering Earth’s or Mars’ atmospheres. However, the increased air density on Titan provides favorable flying conditions for Dragonfly’s exploration endeavors.

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