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Conquest of Mars: But Wouldn’t It have Been Better To Descend To Phobos First?

The planet Mars is already mysterious, always at the center of convoluted historical and observational events and conjectures bordering on science fiction…
Such a planet, could it have normal moons with a normal history? No, obviously not!
And in fact, the red planet is found – not enough the rest – with the smallest, strange, and talked about moons of the solar system.
Talked about even before their discovery, since their existence and their almost exact distance from Mars was already predicted by the Irish writer Johnatan Swift in 1726, that is 150 years before their actual discovery, which occurred in 1877 thanks to the observational tenacity of the American astronomer Asaph Hall.
Mysterious moons, because even today it is not possible to understand where they came from, since they look like two small asteroids, but they follow perfectly regular orbits, as they were big moons like Ganymede or Titan.
And now, thanks to their enviable position, they are also involved in the plans for the conquest and exploration of Mars.
In the immediate future, there are in fact plans to visit them and bring home some soil to examine, and in the near future, there is talk of using them as space stations permanently facing the mysteries of the red planet.

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