Voyager 1: Strange Signals and Termination of the Mission
Voyager 1 is one of the pioneers of space technology. Being the first spacecraft ever to leave our Sun’s influence, and go interstellar, it has blazed the trail for other such spacecraft to follow suit.
It was launched on the 5th of September, 1977, and has been working non-stop for the past 45 years! It is 163 A U or astronomical unit away from us, 1 A U being the distance between the Sun and the Earth.
Voyager 1 is so far that it takes 22 hours for NASA to send a command to it! But in September 2023, Voyager 1 sent some very strange signals. And in October 2023, NASA sent a command to it to update its software. Were those strange alien signals an indication of something uncanny?
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