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New WEIRD DISCOVERY Done By Hubble Telescope Has Scientist Shocked!

From “hot, young, blue stars” to “jets of glowing gas“, this vast universe consists of many strange beautiful objects. Scientists come across these objects because of the advanced technology they have sent into the space to know as much as they can about our origin, the cosmos, and everything that lies beyond.

NASA’s Hubble space telescope is also one of those technologies and it has captured some of the most amazing space stuff ever seen. Of these objects, today we are going to show you the most beautiful object ever seen, a mesmerizing bubble nebula.

Stargazers have always craved beautiful pictures of celestial bodies and phenomena occurring at the edge of the world, and the Hubble Telescope provides these stargazers with the opportunity to see these incredible extraterrestrial events. The Hubble Space Telescope is a large telescope in space.

It was launched by NASA in 1990. Hubble is as long as a large school bus and weighs as much as two adult elephants. Traveling around Earth at about 5 miles per second, Hubble is as fast as driving a car from the East Coast of the United States to the West Coast in 10 minutes.

Hubble faces toward space and takes pictures of planets, stars, and galaxies. Hubble has seen stars being born and die. It has seen galaxies that are trillions of miles away.

Hubble also has seen comet pieces crash into the gases above Jupiter. Scientists have learned a lot about space from the beautiful and mesmerizing pictures taken by Hubble.

Since its inception in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has wowed people all over the world with its magnificent photos. It went down for a few days due to a computer malfunction. Thankfully, the telescope was turned back on. Nasa used Instagram to celebrate the win, posting a photo of “one of the most interesting objects in our Milky Way galaxy” that was acquired by the telescope in 2016. It’s a big star that’s been encased in a bubble.

Their post has piqued people’s interest. It’s possible that it will astound you as well. The space agency started its post by explaining the problem that the telescope faced in the past few days. “Hubble recently ran into an issue with its payload computer which controls and coordinates science instruments onboard the spacecraft.

Today, teams have successfully switched to backup hardware to compensate for the problem! After some initial calibration of the instruments, it will resume normal science operations,” they wrote. In the next few lines, they described about the star trapped inside a bubble. “The star inside this Bubble Nebula burns a million times brighter than our Sun and produces powerful gaseous outflows that howl at more than four million miles per hour,” they wrote. “Based on the rate the star is expending energy, scientists estimate in 10 to 20 million years it will explode as a supernova.

And the bubble will succumb to a common fate: It’ll pop,” they added. The post is complete with two incredible images. Indeed our universe is FULL of strange and surprising things. This bubble nebula leaves the witnesses in awe. What we are looking at is a planetary nebula in the Delphinus constellation.

The nebula (also known as NGC 6891) appears to be a huge space bubble at first view. The object has a spherical form in the middle with exquisite features all over it. A bright yellow light shines from the center, while a blue gas surrounds the ‘bubble.’ As is usually the case with these Hubble discoveries, the story behind the nebula is just as fascinating as the photo itself. The blue gas you see is actually a “spherical outer halo.”

According to NASA, it is expanding faster than the ‘bubble’ nebula within it, resulting in its much bigger size. The yellow point in the center of the nebula is a white dwarf star. The outer halo around the nebula is estimated to be roughly 28,000 years old by NASA, which is extremely young when compared to the universe’s 13.8 billion-year age. Hubble discovered NGC 6891 while studying nebulae’s structures and distance.

Hubble discovered that the nebula is largely made up of ionized gas produced by the white dwarf star at its center. Hubble discovered NGC 6891 while studying nebulae’s structures and distance. Hubble discovered that the nebula is largely made up of ionized gas produced by the white dwarf star at its center.

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