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Voyager 2 JUST FOUND Something Very Weird In Space!

The size of the universe is immense. We’ve come a long way in our research, but everything we know, all the stars, planets, and galaxies visible today, make up only 4 to 5% of the universe. The universe that we are exploring is unveiling weird objects to us as we move away from the earth.

With the help of voyagers, we are farther from the earth and sun than pluto and even entered the interstellar space, discovering the strange space. However, when the voyager continued on its way to the interstellar, it came upon a weird object or barrier that had never been seen anywhere else in this universe before.

The scientists are curious to know what that boundary is. Is it protecting our solar system Or is it protecting some other strange world?
In November 2018, NASA’s Voyager 2 accomplished a milestone of exploration by becoming only the second spacecraft ever to explore interstellar space, some six years after its twin, Voyager 1, made the same transition, billions of miles from Earth. Scientists have disclosed what Voyager 2 witnessed as it passed through the intergalactic space, providing new insight into some of our solar system’s biggest mysteries.
In late 2019 voyager 2 explored a strange boundary between the heliosphere and interstellar space.

As the probe continues its voyage, scientists hope to discover more about interstellar space and the remainder of the Milky Way galaxy. Following the probe’s entry into interstellar space, scientists examined data obtained throughout the probe’s journey from the Sun’s major sphere of influence into the emptiness between stars known as the interstellar medium.
The heliosphere is the region of space that encompasses the solar system and is influenced by solar winds. The heliopause is the heliosphere’s outer boundary, and interstellar space lies beyond it. Solar winds and the magnetic field of the sun are unable to reach interstellar space.
As the Voyager left the solar system, scientists got the chance to learn more about the edge of the solar system and the mysterious boundary that separates it from the rest of space. According to a team lead by Edward Stone, a professor of physics at Caltech and project scientist on the Voyager programme since its start in the 1970s, Voyager 2 identified a previously unknown barrier just outside the heliopause.
This threshold is called “cosmic ray boundary layer” by the researchers because it indicates where the probe encountered a shift in the gradient of cosmic rays from beyond our Sun and lower-energy particles typical of our Sun’s familiar environment.

The heliopause is a region that resembles a big bubble and is located around 11 billion miles from the sun. It is the heliosphere and interstellar space’s dividing line. The heliopause, on the other hand, isn’t a thick, impenetrable barrier. It’s more of a porous boundary that permits some particles to get through. Because the boundary allows particles to enter and exit the region, a mix of heliosphere and interstellar space particles is created. Voyager 1 data revealed interstellar particles entering the solar system, whereas Voyager 2 data revealed solar particles leaving. Although Voyager 1 and 2 have expanded knowledge about the heliopause, many questions remain, such as the shape of the region.
According to the researchers, “There appear to be cosmic ray boundary layers on both sides of the heliopause, with the outer one only being evident at the position of Voyager 2. This cosmic ray boundary layer on the outside of the heliopause was not evident at the place and time where Voyager 1 crossed it.”
According to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology, when Voyagers 1 and 2 left the solar system, there was a rapid dropoff in solar particles and a significant rise in galactic radiation. It’s unclear why the probes ended up on opposite sides of the heliopause, passing through these layers. It could be related to the Voyagers’ divergent paths, with Voyager 1 exiting the heliopause in the northern hemisphere and Voyager 2 escaping from the southern hemisphere.

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