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Typhoon-class submarine, How does a Submarine work ! (The worlds largest submarine ever built)

What is the Typhoon-class submarine ?

The Typhoon class, Soviet designation Project 941 Akula (Russian: Акула, meaning “shark”, NATO reporting name Typhoon), is a class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines designed and built by the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy.

With a submerged displacement of 48,000 tonnes, the Typhoons are the largest submarines ever built, able to accommodate comfortable living facilities for the crew of 160 when submerged for months on end.

The source of the NATO reporting name remains unclear, although it is often claimed to be related to the use of the word “typhoon” (“тайфун”) by General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev of the Communist Party in a 1974 speech while describing a new type of nuclear ballistic missile submarine, as a reaction to the United States Navy’s new Ohio-class submarine.

The Russian Navy cancelled its Typhoon modernization program in March 2012, stating that modernizing one Typhoon would be as expensive as building two new Borei-class submarines. With the announcement that Russia has eliminated the last R-39 Rif (SS-N-20 Sturgeon) SLBMs in September 2012, only one Typhoon remained in service, Dmitry Donskoy, which is armed with the more modern RSM-56 Bulava SLBM. It was still in service as of 2020.

Typhoon-class submarine The world’s largest submarine ever built. it is a class of nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines designed and built by the Soviet Union for the Soviet Navy.

That can be capable of firing ballistic missiles underwater.

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  1. This will cause pralay i.e total destruction of all species. I fail to understand why such a weapon is needed. This is total misuse of science
    This much effort and money could be used for making the world a heavon.

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