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The theory proposes that the early universe was compact, intensely hot, and dense, displaying such uniformity that time seems symmetric when observed in both directions.

If proven correct, this fresh hypothesis implies that dark matter might not be as mysterious as previously believed; instead, it could be linked to a unique form of elusive particle called a neutrino, exclusively found in this specific universe. Additionally, the theory indicates that there may not be a need for a period of rapid cosmic expansion, commonly known as “inflation,” following the Big Bang.

If this theory is accurate, future experiments focusing on detecting gravitational waves or determining the mass of neutrinos could potentially confirm the existence of this mirrored anti-universe definitively.

Maintaining Symmetry

Physicists have identified a set of basic symmetries that exist in the natural world. Three of these are particularly notable: charge (where reversing the charges of particles involved results in the same interactions), parity (where observing a mirrored image of an interaction leads to the same outcome), and time (where reversing an interaction in time produces an identical scenario).

While most physical interactions generally follow these symmetries, there are occasional violations. Nevertheless, the simultaneous violation of all three symmetries has never been witnessed. By applying these symmetries to every observed interaction in nature—changing charges, mirroring images, and reversing time—the interactions consistently exhibit the same behavior.

This fundamental symmetry is known as CPT symmetry, which stands for charge (C), parity (P), and time (T).

In a recently accepted paper set to be published in the Annals of Physics, researchers suggest an expansion of this combined symmetry. Originally, this symmetry only applied to interactions within the universe, including the forces and fields that make up the foundation of physics. However, there is a proposal that if this symmetry holds significant importance, it could extend to the entire universe itself, going beyond interactions to encompass the universe as a whole.

Generating Dark Matter

The expansion of our universe and the activities of its particles are constantly evolving over time. However, our current understanding of the universe is incomplete when considering the concept of CPT symmetry on a cosmic scale.

To maintain CPT symmetry throughout the cosmos, there must exist more than what we can perceive. A mirrored cosmos, existing alongside our own, would be necessary to balance our universe. This mirrored cosmos would consist of particles with opposite charges, spatially mirrored, and moving backwards in time. Therefore, our universe is just one aspect of a dual entity that collectively adheres to CPT symmetry.

Further investigations by researchers have delved into the implications of such a universe. These inquiries have revealed numerous intriguing possibilities.

Firstly, a universe that respects CPT symmetry would naturally undergo expansion and populate itself with particles, eliminating the need for the proposed period of rapid expansion known as inflation. While there is evidence supporting inflation, the theoretical explanation for this phenomenon remains unclear, allowing for alternative proposals to be considered.

In a universe that respects CPT symmetry, the presence of additional neutrinos becomes necessary. The three known flavors of neutrinos – electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino, and tau-neutrino – are all exclusively left-handed. This is in contrast to other particles in physics, which have both left- and right-handed versions. Scientists have long speculated about the existence of right-handed neutrinos to complement the left-handed ones.

A universe that respects CPT symmetry would require the existence of at least one species of right-handed neutrinos. These neutrinos would be difficult to detect experimentally and would primarily interact with gravity.

Interestingly, a particle that pervades the universe and interacts solely through gravity bears a striking resemblance to dark matter.

Researchers have concluded that adhering to CPT symmetry would result in an abundance of right-handed neutrinos in our universe, which could potentially explain the presence of dark matter.

Forecasts in the Mirror

Access to the CPT-mirror universe, our mirrored counterpart, remains beyond reach, existing before our Big Bang and the birth of our cosmos. However, this concept is open to empirical investigation.

Researchers have identified various observational implications of this theory. They suggest that all three known left-handed neutrino species should appear as Majorana particles, indicating that they are their own antiparticles—a characteristic that has yet to be definitively confirmed for neutrinos.

Additionally, they propose that one neutrino species should be massless. Currently, physicists can only set upper bounds on neutrino masses. If neutrino masses can be accurately measured and one is indeed found to be massless, it would provide strong support for the idea of a CPT-symmetric universe.

Moreover, according to this model, the universe did not undergo inflation. Instead, it naturally filled itself with particles. Inflation is believed to have caused significant disturbances in space-time, leading to the generation of gravitational waves throughout the cosmos. Several experiments are ongoing to detect these primordial gravitational waves. However, in a CPT-symmetric universe, such waves would not exist. Therefore, a lack of evidence for primordial gravitational waves would support the credibility of the CPT-mirror universe model.

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