Something In the Universe Is Killing Off Galaxies
Something In the Universe Is Killing Off Galaxies Galaxy killers are the stuff of fiction: the realm of Galactus or Thanos or perhaps the old-school...
Something In the Universe Is Killing Off Galaxies Galaxy killers are the stuff of fiction: the realm of Galactus or Thanos or perhaps the old-school...
The Most Unusual Galaxies in the Universe! What would you say if we showed you a galaxy that looks like a penguin or one that...
Astronomers Identify Nickel and Surprising Elements in Early Star-Forming Galaxies An analysis of data from the CECILIA (Chemical Evolution Constrained using Ionized Lines in Interstellar...
The Most Unusual Galaxies Ever Discovered The number of stars in the universe is quite uncountable. Their number in the observable part of space may...
JWST Just Discovered ANCIENT Galaxies Overflowing with Precious Metals! When we refer to “ancient galaxies,” we are typically discussing galaxies that formed in the early...
When Stars Outshine Galaxies The amount of energy produced from the collapsing core of a massive star is pretty inconceivable. The mechanism that facilitates the...
Video Captures the First-Ever Glimpse of Light Connecting Galaxies in the Cosmic Web For the first time, astronomers have directly imaged the faint glow of...
Astronomers Map a Quarter of the Northern Hemisphere’s Sky Revealing Never-Before-Seen Galaxies Astronomers have successfully charted a quarter of the northern hemisphere’s sky, revealing millions...
Quantifying the Masses of Black Holes in Galaxies Black holes, one of the most amazing and bizarre predictions of Einstein’s theory of gravity, are irresistible...
The Universe’s Most Detailed X-ray Map Unveils Over 900,000 Stars, Galaxies, and Black Holes Scientists using the eROSITA X-ray telescope have released a trove of...